Reductio ad absurdum

Silly thoughts on blog incest.
  October 15, 2001

The more you surf weblogs the more you feel like you’ve crashed the annual Incest Festival: everybody knows everybody else, and references (links) to the people you know pop up on the pages of the people you don’t.  It now got to the point where the random people I have discovered by chance are turning up on the pages of other, even more random people some of whom I haven’t even discovered yet.  (I don’t care if that doesn’t make sense; the sentence is grammatically correct even if the words don’t go together).  If you’re thinking “six degrees of separation”—yes, that’s it!

I can’t help but wonder…  With all this cross-blogging going on, will we get inbred blog mutants?  Will they grow two spash pages instead of one and sport tails at the ends of their link sections in the future?  Will they spout forth slurred, garbled sentences, lurch in dark corners, and try to eat your kitten when you’re not looking?

Mommy, I’m scared!

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